Child Evangelism Fellowship® Serves Alongside the Church

In Luke 5:1-11, the disciples had fished all night and caught nothing; they were washing their nets. Jesus borrowed Peter’s boat and pushed out from shore. He sat down and taught the people from the boat. When He finished speaking, He instructed Peter to launch out and let the nets down. Peter obeyed. They caught so many fish that the nets began to strain and break, so they beckoned unto their partners in the other boat to come help. Both boats were filled to overflowing. They could have not caught the fish alone.

Jesus said to Peter and his partners, James and John, that from then on, they would catch men.

Followers of Jesus are to catch men (and women and children) today as well. The local church and Child Evangelism Fellowship® have the same goal of going into all the world and preaching the Gospel, starting in our own communities. We can not do this task alone either.

At CEF®, we have something the local church needs and the local church has something we need.

CEF® has initial and on-going training ……. the church has club coordinators
CEF has teacher friendly curriculum ……… the church has teachers and workers
CEF has established programs…………….. the church has willing prayer partners
CEF has experienced mentor teachers ……. the church has finances to facilitate ministry
CEF has staff for administrative duties …... the church has a passion for reaching children
CEF has follow-up materials……………… the church has a welcoming church home

Together, we can reach our communities with the Gospel. Together, we can catch men.